Why you choose us?

We used latest technology that can’t harmed Nature

We operate on Google Cloud to create a powerful and technically superior hosting service.

SSD persistent storage

Distributed storage running on SSD disks for an optimal speed and a high-level of redundancy.

Ultra-fast network

Google is known for maintaining one of the fastest and best connected networks.

100% renewable energy match

Google matches 100% the energy consumed by their operations with renewable energy.

Check your domain here

Domain Name / Brand Name Checker

Our services

Web Design

Brand Appearance and layout.

Web Development

Using a variety of coding languages.

Business Card

Online Digital Business Card.


A web base apps for android and IOS.

Even more services

Email Forwarding

Generically refers to the operation of re-sending an email message delivered to one email address to one or more different email addresses.

SSL Certificate

small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization's details.

Social media Integration

is a marketing tool that allows you to use social channels as an extension of your existing branding and marketing strategies.

It's Me

Your Online Digital Business Card

Scan share and receive information.

Scan QR Code

You can share your business card to every one, using your QR code.

Sharing Information

You can share and receive information in just a second with your Digiatal Business Card.

Fast interaction in just a second!

After you scan the QR Code you can contact the person via phone number, email or social media flatform in just a click!

Our skills

Creating responsive website and adopting new innovation and latest technology is our passion and our craft to satisfy clients.

Online Digital Business Card
Web Base Android and IOS application


Your Web Base application for Android and IOS

It will help your brand grow quickly!

Scan QR Code

You can share, send or download your business information and latest achievements via Android and iOS application.

Sharing Information

You can create your online menu, price updates and broadcast your promos.

Sharing Information

You can also create your personal online activities, online blog or sell your brand.

You can download our sample applications
for APK and iOS devices.

Our team






Server Configuration


Maintenance Update

Completed projects
Happy clients
On going projects


Domain Name and Hosting Packages

Build your new website with Web Elavate

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